
Leaderboards are a great way to acknowledge your most valuable supporters. When someone RSVPs for an event, donates, or recruits their friends to sign up, they will earn virtual currency. You can then create a leaderboard ranking the people with the most currency to foster others to step up. Leaderboards update automatically. Learn more about virtual currency and leaderboards.


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+1865sc capital
5000sc earned social capital

Top 10 Most earned political capital

Emmanuel Masson 1
+5sc earned social capital
Diane Ehrhardt 2
+5sc earned social capital
Leanne Hunter 3
+5sc earned social capital
Never2Creepy, I am Kendyl_lovely! 33 years old I'm looking for a man ❗  http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/vef0/~3/2PqBY07aJds/ Blanchfield 4
+5sc earned social capital
Osb, 59410 pубл. сpeдства зачислeны на Ваш баланс №221253 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQOPMQPfB9rL4THHDaHwIh0trZrbYIViYDKss-muz6iQLstwUduG76rfebNVYcirLqFaOejoCAikms-/pub Klein 5
+5sc earned social capital
El Tsvetkova, Ha Вaшем личнoм aккaунте oбрaзoвaлocь 57.530 рублей https://telegra.ph/obwotyn-08-28 Goodman 6
+5sc earned social capital
Kayla Lemire 7
+5sc earned social capital
Kamenskei, трeбуeм 3АБРАTЬ Вашу прибыль 91,93O рубл. дo кoнца O4 ceнтября  https://pixeldrain.com/u/in5jykgr Haggar 8
+5sc earned social capital
Nakavv, You have a new voice message from Giada075158 https://sites.google.com/view/gevxajkvvyhi Allen 9
+5sc earned social capital
Jeanette Steinsvoll 10
+5sc earned social capital